
Monthly Archives: September 2010

10th Sep 2010. The LFTT Library as mobile archival project began with the creation of a two person “Hermitage” at Multyfarnham Friary Library last November. The idea was to create a sociable and physically engaging response to a space usually associated with isolated reflection (the monks hermit/artists studio/scholars library). The aspect of mobility is very important to the LFTT regards keeping knowledge and information moving and in a constant state of interpretation. The idea of physical movement and the translation of ideas forms the basis of the LFTT.

wpa_book_mobileThe LFTT, with the kind help of Vivienne Byrne are bringing abstracts of the library to Bray Public Library garden for Culture night 2010. We will inhabiting the garden for the duration of the evening with a mobile-library-cum-warmly-inviting-cave. The LFTT collection, kindly donated by Multyfarhanham Franciscan Friary, includes items from the 16th through to the 20th century on subjects as wide as poetry, irish folklore, natural philosophy, and medieval mysticism.  All are welcome on the night to browse, chat, drink tea and share in the illumination.