
Monthly Archives: April 2015

MASAE-GUESTHOUSE-00In March 2015 Japanese artist Masae Watanabe came to work with the LFTT Library at The Guesthouse in Cork. Masae previously studied Artistic Anatomy at The Tokyo University of The Arts, finishing her laboratory work in 2009 she currently works as their education research assistant. In her research she examines life forms at a molecular level, observing physical and psychological patterns that suggest previously unknown connections between man and animal, creature and plantlife.

MASAE-GUESTHOUSE-PORTRAITDuring her residency Masae’s work took a visual anatomical approach to the psychology behind stories from celtic mythology, in particular the subject of the ‘Merrow’ or mermaid in W.B Yeats ‘Irish Fairy Stories’. Fusing symbolic form extracted from the story in the manner of a ‘Rorschach’ inkblot with a diagrammatic narrative style of layered transparencies; extracted keywords and elements are superimposed in space, producing the effect of a miniature stage or operating theatre of the mind. Read More