Aga Tamiola (PL) in ‘Scale Factor’

AGA-SCALEFACTOR05 Previously a resident at The Guesthouse, Polish artist Aga Tamiola later became involved in ‘Scale Factor’ after borrowing two books from the library on leaving; ‘Fishers of Men’ by Maxence van der Meersch and ‘Man’s Place in The Universe: A Study of the Results of Scientific Research in Relation to the Unity or Plurality of Worlds’ by Alfred R. Wallace. ‘Scale Factor’ was an exhibition of small works which travelled from Poland to The Guesthouse Cork for September 2014, curated by Tomasz Madajczak, Bartosz Nowak (Poland); Sharon McCarthy and Helen Horgan for the LFTT Library (Cork). The work as shown was a collaboration between Tamiola and The LFTT who interpreted the artists instructions for install from two to three dimensions. Born and raised in Stargard, Poland, Aga Tamiola is a multimedia artist living and working out of  Berlin and London.  Her geographical and linguistic misplacement has led her to focus on aspects of loss, identity and belonging in the context of globalisation and new technologies. Aga’s nomadic approach to explore mutability of matter manifests itself in sculptural assemblages fusing materials and processes. In her most recent series, Vanishing Voices, Aga reflected on the relationship between thought, language, geography and culture by conducting a series of nonfigurative experiments highlighting similarities and differences among the languages of the Arctic Circle. This multimedia series was the beginning of material exploration for Aga. While observing stages of dying languages, she developed an audio-visual language to depict the linguistic processes involved. She applied a variety of materials spanning from textile, plaster and plastic to metal and glass. At this stage she discovered the human body from a sculptural perspective, which coincided with an awareness of the sculptural qualities of sound waves. This led to the human voice coming to the forefront of her installations, sound pieces and performances. A very important part of Aga’s practice is collaboration. She looks for spaces to explore her own ideas in dialogue and experiments with others. In 2013, she co-founded the sonic arts collective Random Order. In 2014, she started questioning the breakthrough discoveries of neuroscience through sonic storytelling, performances, screenings and object making in the audio-visual project,Emergency Kit for Neuroskeptics. AGA-SCALEFACTOR01 AGA-SCALEFACTOR02

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